Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Voice of Tahuti, 7th Installment

The Ritual
Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram
1st Enochian Key
Ritual Israfel
Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram
Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

The Voice
Unutterable truth, abomination and terror, this is the voice of the silence as it appears to the mind. The mind cannot bear it. The child of the eternal and the temporal alone can carry the seed unto the earth, only a child can bear it.

The child may appear as great or terrible. All natures are partaken of as one. The child mediates between the speech in the silence and the speech in the outer, the voice of prophecy.

The Word is exceedingly subtle, yet infinitely durable. So must the child be of sufficient strength and refinement to bear it, to deliver it.

Go forth into the world, involve yourself in its ways, taste of its fruits, for only then can the seed of Heaven find its way therein, only thus may the child know the world. Innocence is folly, for the earth must be known in its ways if it is to be reconciled with Heaven.

Let the ground be made fertile, let the soil be cultivated and made rich with nutrients that the seed may prosper. Let the Word not be hindered by inexperience, let the world be known in its variety that the Word may flourish. It will thus grow to transform the face of the world. Let it be delivered unto waiting hands.

The gates of Heaven are open - who would deny the Word its habitation?

The Comment
The child, as indicated in the last two installments, is the result of the coming together of heaven and earth, the eternal and the temporal, the descent of the light of the inmost self, the Yechidah, into the Nephesch. Once the fruit of this union sufficiently matures, it bears the "seed", the Chiah, the Word of the Yechidah or True Will, into the soil of Assiah. Here is given a general instruction in the maturation of the child, and in the preparation of the "soil" of the world.

The gates of Heaven, the higher planes, you might call them higher brain functions (after Leary), are opened largely as a result of years of work in seclusion. The aspirant withdraws from the outer world to whatever degree is necessary and works alone for the most part. Once a sufficient level of development has been attained (when the aspirant is able to attain to universal consciousness at will), the place of work changes from the inner to the outer. At this point the aspirant emerges into the world as an avatar of their higher Will. (In truth, the inner and the outer are seen increasingly as two modes of expression of a single thing).

Of course, in real life, nothing is ever quite that simple. There are multiple phases of withdrawal and emergence all along the path. The general movement, though, is that of a withdrawal inward to the source of Self, followed by an emergence into the world as that source is expressed as service. At that point, wisdom in the ways of the world is a very valuable thing.

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