Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Fifteen Behenian Stars: Deneb Algedi

Deneb Algedi is found in the tail of Capricorn. 

The magical image of Deneb Algedi is a Horned Goat and a Wrathful Man.

The Voice of Deneb Algedi

I am the vast and cosmic Order, setting each thing in its place aright, making sure that each thing partakes of its double nature. I touch every atom of space in every potentiality of time. My name is ALL!

I descend into the lowermost depths of the earth, and I ascend into the uppermost reaches of the stellar world. I partake of, and rejoice in, both natures, minting the coin of perfection thereof. I am the root of limitation and transcendence.

I am to be found in all signs and portents, I speak unto the mind and heart of humanity in every aspect of nature and of life. I am to be found in the woods and in the cities, in the temples and in the streets.

I am inspiration! I am that vast and mighty power that burns within the heart and makes itself known in the world by works of genius. I am the spirit of invention, drive and ambition.

I am with humanity at the pinnacle of its development as maker of tools and as a God and a dwelling place for the absolute. I lead all of humanity ever to conform to the image of the highest.

Exceed! Let your genius ascend the peaks of heaven and earth – and when you have reached the summit? You will know it!

Let your works exceed all bounds and knowledge – thus only may you truly expand. Let not your Light be static – with it set the world alight! Create! Sustain! Destroy! Let there be great change wrought upon the earth.

Build monuments to your inmost genius – let the world bear it witness! This is your birthright and your obligation. Neglect not the work of your hands.

Give freely and abundantly of your fruit – the more you give, the more will be given unto you.

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