Friday, November 23, 2012

The Fifteen Behenian Stars: Aldebaran

The royal star Aldebaran is located in the Hyades in the constellation of Taurus.

The magical image of Aldebaran is that of a winged God in Flight, followed by many Stars.

The Voice of Aldebaran 

I am the voice of Wisdom and the first Light of Understanding. I am the dawning of the Sun of Wisdom. I am known to you.

I arise as the first flame in the darkness of heavenly night. I am the voice arising in the silence. All sounds thereafter are the echo of my voice.

I arise as the leader and follower, and I provide my own light that I may penetrate the darkness. With my bright light I illuminate the invisible, making known the secret regions. I am the chief of the Mysteries and the King of the known. By my Light am I victorious.

I am the first noble virtue, the arbiter of justice. There is no injustice or imbalance where I am.

I am your own light and thirst for knowledge. Let your circle of light expand that you may know the Beloved. You must ever seek to know Her more completely, to witness Her mystery and to taste of Her fruit. She calls to you with sweet darkness. Bring your light to Her as an act of love.

The intellect I leave far behind, for it cannot sustain my Light. I am the star of prophets. By me may the Ineffable be clothed in form.

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