Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Fifteen Behenian Stars: The Pleiades

The seven stars in the Pleiades are located above the constellation of Taurus.

The magical image of the Pleiades is that of a Flaming Lamp, surrounded by 7 Virgins.

The Voice of The Pleiades 

We are as seven lights of burning flame, pure and perfect. We are the radiance of unknowable Mystery and transcendent Wisdom. Ours is a clear light.

We are as Light beyond light, ungraspable and not comprehended, a clear crystal perfectly formed. The Light shines through us without refraction or distortion.

Our Light leaves no disturbance in the aether, it is the Light of pure consciousness. We are the invisible ones.

We stand at the gate of Mystery and grant entrance into the unknowable. We hold the keys to the gates of Gnosis. Reduce yourself to naked essence and come before us.

We give subtle sight and visionary perception. We light the way to Wisdom. Let the echo of our flame be known to you in the secret place, and build your house accordingly.

You will do right to adore us. Speak to us with the heart, and you may receive our Light. 

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