Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Fifteen Behenian Stars: Sirius

Sirius is located in the constellation of Canis Major, and is called the Dog Star.

The magical image for this star is that of a Virgin, crowned with a bright Star, and a Hound beside her.

The Voice of Sirius 

I am the Rising of the Light, the inundation of the rains, and the increase of the Waters of Life. I am the perfected Light, and I am found in all things.

I am the healer and resurrector. I am the reconciler between opposing forces. My influence heals all things inharmonious.

I am the purified and cleansed one. Through knowledge of me may you know your own naked essence.

It is I who guides the Light of Heaven down to the depths of the earth, ever keeping pure the Heavenly Gnosis. With me are the Waters of Eternity, ever pure, ever unchanging, ever virgin.

I am the Light of Illumination, Truth, and Wisdom. I reveal that which is common, yet essential, to all. 

Keep your gaze fixed ever on your Star, and let all else follow after. Open your heart to your Beloved and let all else fall away. Let the mind not interfere, let it serve the higher. Ah, but there are one thousand rewards in this service. For to serve is of the highest! 

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