Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Fifteen Behenian Stars: Procyon

Procyon is located in the constellation of Canis Minor.

The magical image of Procyon is that of a Cockerel crowing at a Star and Three Maidens.

The Voice of Procyon

I am the Light that does not sleep, the Light perpetual, unbroken, and continuous.

I am the Light of Revelation, ever revealing the unseen. I am the quickening of that Light, the primal voice of awakening. Mine is the place where sleep is not. Night does not fall in this place.

I grant access to the inaccessible, and give the strength to walk upstream through the waters without being overcome by them. I will make for you a passage to the Light.

I  give you strength of will and purity of purpose. I give you power to transgress boundaries and limitations of all kinds. Always beyond, ever into subtler and subtler regions will I take you. 

You must become utterly lost in order to find Wisdom, for True Wisdom destroys the known. There will I guide you.

I will take you into the place unnamable, for to know me is to know Mystery, naked and unadorned. 

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