Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Fifteen Behenian Stars: Regulus

The royal star Regulus, also called Cor Leonis, is located in the heart of the constellation of Leo.

The magical image of Regulus is that of a Crowned King, seated upon a Winged Lion with a Star burning at its breast.

The Voice of Regulus

I am the Flame of the First Essence, the Word that commands, the Voice of Holy Fire. My Voice commands vast armies. My Word is single, creation and destruction arising as one.

I rule with honor and justice, and virtue is my Word, potent and noble. I am the very archetype of Royalty from which all Kings proceed.

I command the very Stars in their courses, and by my word never a single Star does deviate from its perfection. My chain of command lies unbroken throughout the aeons.

Primal potency, nobility, and Royalty arise from your own Divinity. I will cause that voice to arise within you like a flashing flame. That which is false shall be destroyed by the fires of truth and justice. I will then arise with you in the Dawn after the bloody night.

Thus the King shall rule, and not the servant. But your secret glory is to serve – thus shall you be fulfilled, made radiant, justified, joyous. Ecstasy shall be yours, and Truth, Light, Understanding – if you but serve. 

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