Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Fifteen Behenian Stars: Arcturus

Arcturus is located in the constellation of Bootes, the herdsman.

The magical image of Arcturus is a Horse, a Wolf, and a Dancing Man.

The Voice of Arcturus

I am the preserver of Wisdom and the keeper of Gnosis. It is I who determine what is to be revealed, and what is to be concealed and guarded.

The keys to the Mysteries are preserved in structure, grammar, and number; by the parts of speech and writing; and through tradition. In even the manners and customs of tradition is bright Wisdom concealed.

Behind these forms is the true Gnosis hidden. If it is lost, it will be found again by those who know to seek it.

Keep sacred the Heavenly Wisdom, keep pure the Mysteries. Do not let them be profaned.

Deliver the Wisdom entrusted unto you responsibly. Do not reveal the central Mysteries to the mind, for the mind cannot grasp them. Your words will only obscure their Light.

Rather, preserve the true Gnosis by presenting it in forms that conceal from the mind and yet reveal to the soul.

I keep the Light of the Gnosis from dispersing, containing it perfectly so that it may be delivered unto true seekers of the Light without diminution or dilution. I am the hidden tongue of Wisdom. Through me, may the bright Gnosis be preserved forever. 

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